Monday, February 21, 2011

Kahu (55/365)

Kahu is The Year of the Written Word, Beth's, beautiful pup and she has a knack for balancing things on her head!

Ralph and Kahu became fast friends; good thing Kahu doesn't have a taste for fish!

They did, at one point in the evening, have a staring contest...guess who won?


  1. What a good dog! Mine would never sit still long enough to balance anything on her head. She'd be too busy trying to see what we put there!
    I think Ralph won the staring contest. Since fish don't have eyelids, he couldn't have blinked. ;)

  2. Kahu also has a short attention span. :) Ralph is welcome over for a play date anytime!

  3. Aw. I grew up with Weimaraners. My Kramer could do the balance thing too, but the sweet yellow lab I have now could never even begin to sit still that long.

    My money's on Ralph in nearly any staring contest.


  4. aw, cute weimaraner! i love that in one picture he couldn't care less & the other he is totally curious.
