Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kelly's hands (47/365)

I am tired and haven't really been feeling too creative.  I keep thinking, I have over 300 (THREE HUNDRED!!!) more pictures to take of this fish.  Ugh!  So, while I regroup and motivate myself, enjoy a picture that was taken at the last 365 Richmond Artists gathering.

The lovely Kelly St. Claire, who author's Creative Fusion, is the guest fish handler...


  1. I love this! Day by day! Don't worry. This will come and you will finish this!

  2. i felt the same way today...i'll keep going if you keep going! =]

  3. It's tough to think about how many days are left. I'm trying to just keep my thinking one day at a time, a good way to live life in general (I think) and something I hope that sticks with me long after this commitment.

    You can do it, Wendy!
