Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Persian Fish (43/365)

Today, during breaks, I must review my Persian (Farsi), as my friend, Ali's, parents are visiting from Iran and I am having dinner with them tonight.  Ralph is going to help me study...

Click on picture to see it larger
(Larger picture would not fit on blog)

"Persian social manners are well known, and there is no other society that can compete with them." (Moshe Katsav)


  1. Ralph is going to be very well versed in manners of the world!

  2. For some reason this reminds me of one of the postcards in Griffin & Sabine. Also, you've made me want to hear you speak Farsi. Hope you had a lovely dinner!

  3. I like seeing what you are up to, and would also enjoy hearing you speak Farsi. Maybe at the nest 365 meetup:)
