Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dumpster Diving (156/365)

I don't mind the folks who frequently peruse the alley and dig through the trash bins, dumpster diving for something of use to them.  Who's to say that one person's trash isn't another person's treasure?  And, to be sure, the trash that is produced by the residents of my building has been known to include some pretty high end "junk."

However, if you're going to dumpster dive, please be considerate enough to return the trash to the bins when you're done.  It's the considerate thing to do.  However, the dumpster divers that ransacked the bins behind the building must have missed the memo.

Look close...Ralph is pictured...look atop the trash lid.


  1. There he is! Hope he can whip those inconsiderate dumpster divers into shape. Cleaning up is the right thing to do, especially as a way to give thanks for your new treasures!
